Rubber lined pipe clamps/

Rubber lined "massive" two-screw pipe clamp M12/M16

  • Technical data
  • material: steel
  • galvanized
  • sound insulating insert: SBR/EPDM
  • production possible with material 30x3 mm
  • available also with nut M16
Ordering code
Diameter D (mm)
L (mm)
S x t (mm)
Fa,z (N)
Packaging in pcs
Number of packaging
Ordering code CAD Diameter D (mm) M L (mm) S x t (mm) Fa,z (N) Packaging in pcs Number of packaging Demand
317104046 - 40 - 46 M12/M16 131 40x4 9500 1
317104853 - 48 - 53 M12/M16 138 40x4 9500 1
317106064 - 60 - 64 M12/M16 149 40x4 9500 1
317106771 - 67 - 71 M12/M16 157 40×4 9500 1
317108090 - 72 - 78 M12/M16 165 40x4 9500 1
317108104 - 87 - 92 M12/M16 170 40x4 9500 1
317108118 - 108 - 118 M12/M16 210 40x4 9500 1
317108125 - 125 - 130 M12/M16 227 40×4 9500 1
317133137 - 133 - 137 M12/M16 228 40×4 9500 1
317138144 - 138 - 144 M12/M16 245 40×4 9500 1
317159165 - 159 - 165 M12/M16 260 40×4 9500 1
317164170 - 164 - 170 M12/M16 272 40×4 9500 1
317164185 - 182 - 188 M12/M16 275 40×4 9500 1
317193203 - 193 - 203 M12/M16 300 40×4 9500 1
317208214 - 208 - 214 M12/M16 300 40×4 9500 1
317217224 - 217 - 224 M12/M16 310 40×4 9500 1
317244254 - 244 - 254 M12/M16 345 40×4 9500 1
317267277 - 267 - 277 M12/M16 365 40×4 9500 1
317278282 - 278 - 282 M12/M16 380 40×4 9500 1
317313318 - 313 - 318 M12/M16 420 40×4 9500 1
317320326 - 320 - 326 M12/M16 415 40×4 9500 1
317353360 - 353 - 360 M12/M16 455 40×4 9500 1